Since 1939, Southeastern Indiana REMC has been committed to improving the quality of life in our service area.
Operation Round Up is a voluntary charitable fundraising program for Southeastern Indiana REMC members. If you participate, your bill will be rounded up to the next whole dollar each month. Those extra cents are deposited into a separate fund. A board of trustees reviews grant applications for community projects.
Any non-profit 501(C) organization that serves communities within the Southeastern Indiana REMC service area is eligible to apply for grants from Operation Round Up.
New members are automatically enrolled in Operation Round Up. If you do not wish to participate, please call us at (812) 689-4111 to opt-out of the program. ​

Submit by Mail
P.O. Box 196
712 South Buckeye Street
Osgood, IN 47037
Sharon McClure
Dearborn County Representative
B.J. Myers
REMC Representative
Kendall Hankins
REMC Representative
Bridget Leach
Jefferson County Representative
Tina Ellis
Jennings County Representative
Jason Walcott
Ohio County Representative
Jennifer Meer
Franklin County Representative
Stan Wiedeman
Ripley County Representative
Alexander Kulik
Switzerland County Representative