Outage Map
How to Report An Outage
By App
Download the SmartHub mobile app to your smartphone or tablet. It's free and fast - no waiting on hold!
Communicate with us via text during outages. Text OUT to (844) 959-3031.
By Phone
Call us at (812) 689-4111 or toll-free at (800) 737-4111​​
Coping with Power Outages
Sudden power outages can be frustrating and troublesome, especially when they last a long time. If a power outage is 2 hours or less, don't be concerned about losing your perishable foods. For prolonged power outages, though, there are steps you can take to minimize food loss and to keep all members of your household as comfortable as possible.
Download the Red Cross Ready Checklist.
Consider investing in a generator and be prepared if you experience an outage. Southeastern Indiana REMC offers discounts on total home back-up through our Generator Program.