Solar Panels
To assist our members, we have developed a streamlined process that will ensure all members continue to have safe, reliable, efficient and cost-effective electricity.
Our mission is to protect the safety of cooperative personnel and member-consumers, maintain the integrity and reliability of the grid, and establish mechanisms to ensure rate fairness for all member-consumers. Consumer-owned generation interconnections can affect the safety and reliability of the distribution system. We have developed technical interconnection rules that address those safety and reliability impacts as well as a net metering rate that ensures fairness across all members.
We are ready to help you by offering factual information and answering your questions. It is our goal to provide you with the tools that you need to make an informed decision about adding generation to your home or business.
Rate Tariff
Southeastern Indiana REMC currently purchases excess energy at $0.05 per kwh for systems 50kW and under. For systems over 50kW, excess energy is purchased at Hoosier Energy's current renewable rate.
Energy Efficiency Measures
Changing out your windows/doors, adding insulation, and upgrading old heating systems and appliances can often save energy at a lower cost than installing solar panels. Updating your home leads to reducing your total energy use. Geothermal heat pumps provide clean, quiet heating and cooling while cutting utility bills by up to 70%, and Southeastern Indiana REMC offers rebates for them.
Is your purpose environmental, to save money, to lower your electric bill, or for outage protection?
The average cost of a standard (non-tracking) solar photovoltaic system is $2.50-$4.50 per watt. (The average 10kw system would cost $25,000 - $45,000.) A backup battery system to store excess energy costs an additional $2 per watt. The average payback for PV is 20 years.
Square Footage
Each kW of power requires about 55-65 sq ft of space (whether it's on your roof or in your yard). A 10kw system would require 550-650 sq ft.
Federal Tax Credit
There is a federal tax credit for solar projects. Learn more at www.energy.gov.
It takes approximately 33 - 300 watt solar panels to power an average Indiana home. Larger homes or inefficient homes would require more.
5 things to consider before you install a solar system
Installers who make false claims about excessive annual utility rate increases
Installers who say NOT to contact your electric cooperative
Misleading projected savings
Deceptive sales tactics that push you to make a decision or sign a contract before you do your own research
False claims that you will have no utility bills or will make money from energy generated
Use Trusted Sources
If you’re considering a solar array for your home, make sure you are working with a reputable company. Because this is still an emerging industry with evolving technology, there has been a proliferation of pop-up companies in the market to make a quick buck.
Southeastern Indiana REMC wants its members to make informed decisions about whether solar is right for them. After all, Southeastern Indiana REMC has a different “bottom line” that is not directly tied to the sale of a product or service. We take a more holistic, objective view of how to achieve energy and cost savings for our members, and that may or may not include solar. Before you sign the dotted line, please feel encouraged to contact us with any solar array questions at engineering@seiremc.com.
In this ever-changing environment, it’s important to remember you have a trusted energy advisor – your local electric cooperative. We are a community-focused organization serving our diverse communities with innovative energy solutions and life-enhancing services.
Remember, we’re just one call or click away, so please reach out with any questions about your electric service or bills – we’re here to help.
Review our power generation system manual and requirements. For systems over 50kW, contact our Engineering Department.
Submit the following information to us for approval: ​
Electrical one-line diagram of your system
Specification sheets for all equipment in the interconnection
Proof of insurance coverage (must have at least a $300,000 liability policy)
Pay the application fee ($400 for 50 kW or less, $1000 for over 50kW)
Once we have received your application, we will contact you.
Functional Testing
Once your agreement is accepted, a functional test will be performed at the location of your interconnection with Southeastern Indiana REMC. The functional test is to ensure that the system cannot back feed electricity on the lines during a power outage. (Your meter will be replaced, and your account will updated.)